Department of Psychology

Enrol in Psychology at the Catholic University of Croatia!

You have always dreamt about studying psychology! Enrol in your no. 1 choice on your study wish list and become part of a small dynamic University with state-of-the-art equipment, a university campus in downtown Zagreb, forthcoming teachers and small groups of students.



Download the brochure and check:

  • Advantages of studying at the Catholic University of Croatia
  • Detailed information on undergraduate university studies in Psychology,
    including implementation plan, frequently asked questions and modes of payment


Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij Psihologija - VAŽNO ZA UPIS NA STUDIJ
Opći uvjeti 
  • završena gimnazija ili četverogodišnja srednja škola u Republici Hrvatskoj ili priznata svjedodžba o završenoj školi u inozemstvu
  • položena državna matura
Dodatni uvjeti
  • prijeđen prag na testu apstraktnog mišljenja
  • prijeđen prag na pristupnom intervjuu

Rang-lista za upis redovitih studenata na studij Psihologija sastavlja se prema uspjehu prijavljenih pristupnika.

Prilikom natjecanja za upis pristupnicima se vrednuje:

  • prosjek svih ocjena iz srednje škole (25,00%)
  • obvezni dio državne mature: Hrvatski jezik – A (15,00%) (pristupnicima državljanima zemalja članica EU koji su završili srednje obrazovanje u EU umjesto Hrvatskog jezika na državnoj maturi priznaje se položen materinski jezik u sklopu njihovog vanjsko vrednovanog završnog ispita)
  • obvezni dio državne mature: Matematika – A (15,00%)
  • obvezni dio državne mature: Strani jezik – A (10,00%)
  • test apstraktnog mišljenja (15,00 %)
  • pristupni intervju – HKS – Psihologija (15,00 %)
  • državno natjecanje znanja, kategorija sportaša ili završena još jedna srednja škola (5,00%)

UPISNA KVOTA: kapacitet: 48

Kvota za EU državljane: ukupno 45 (40+5), 40 mjesta s djelomičnom participacijom u troškovima studiranja te 5 mjesta s punom participacijom u troškovima studiranja

Kvota za strane državljane: 1

Pristupnik s pravom prednosti: 1

Kvota za Hrvate izvan Republike Hrvatske: 1

Više o preddiplomskom sveučilišnom studiju Psihologija na:

KLIKNI i Postani student psihologije!

What do students say about the course of study in Psychology at the CUC?


Nikolina Čoko

Nikolina Čoko

Looking back on my Psychology studies at this University, I would describe it as a wealth of knowledge, experience and community. I was acquainted with the programme before enroling, but I got much more than I expected. The knowledge I acquired combined with a kind and forthcoming Rector, professors, assistants, fellow students and all the employees at the University is what was and still is absolutely magnificent.

Marta Šelimber

Marta Šelimber

Home is the word I would use to describe my Psychology studies at the CUC. This University offers many advantages. One of them is the small number of students in classes, which makes it more personal and we all know each other. I believe that the fact that the Rector knows all of us by name best proves this. The professors are always there for us and try hard to make this experience as good and valuable for us as possible. All of them are real experts and we truly can learn a lot from them, but first and foremost they are wonderful people

What do teachers say about the course of study in Psychology at the CUC?

Josip Bošnjaković

Assoc Prof Josip Bošnjaković, PhD

The Catholic University of Croatia is a young, dynamic and flexible university nurturing professional and friendly relations with its students. Through its interdisciplinary approach, it encourages them to develop their scientific and professional abilities. The Catholic University of Croatia aspires towards excellence and expects it from its staff and students.

Marijana Matijas

Marijana Matijaš, mag. psych. (Master of Psychology)

In addition to courses in theory, the Catholic University of Croatia offers its practical training to Psychology students, which is held in different institutions. Students are involved in scientific projects on a regular basis and in a number of activities related to their course of study, such as marking Department Day, Psychology Week, Brain Awareness Week etc. Students are also encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities such as choirs and male or female harmony singing groups, creative competitions, sports and volunteer activities. Bursaries are awarded to our excellent students and to our socially disadvantaged students.

Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište