
Research results presentation through animated videos
From June to December 2021, the Digital Healthcare Ethics Laboratory (Digit-HeaL) conducted large-scale qualitative research with key stakeholders in the Croatian healthcare system on the use of digital technologies in healthcare. Patients, physicians, engineers, lawyers, policymakers, and managers of healthcare institutions participated in the extensive research, 75 people in total. With the aim of popularizing the science and disseminating the results, the basic insight of the research and part of the results were translated into videos. The research itself used future scenarios to describe hypothetical possibilities and illustrate important decisions, but without...

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Digit-HeaL on “The Third Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference”
The Third Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference organized by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, and the Regional Studies Association Europe, together with the Croatian Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds is taking place in Zagreb, Croatia from November 14 to 16, 2022. On the second conference day, team member Ana Tomičić on behalf of the Digit-HeaL lab, with Anamaria Malešević and Anto Čartolovni presented a part of the research results entitled Croatia Full Of… Lag? Digital health in the light of European Cohesion. The conference aims to bring together a limited number of participants from academia, European...

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Doctoral student from the Digit-HeaL laboratory attend an international scientific conference in Slovenia
Doctoral student Luka Poslon from the Digital Healthcare Ethics (Digit-HeaL) laboratory attended the international scientific conference “Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies”, hosted by the Centre for Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence and Ethics of New Technologies and the Faculty of Theology of the University of Ljubljana on 25 October 2022. The international scientific conference brought together leading experts in the field of artificial intelligence and digital technologies to consider the ethical challenges and deployment of these technologies in the future. With the development and use of advanced technological...

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Digit-HeaL on “Practicing solidarity for the future” Conference
The project team of the Croatian Science Foundation funded project „Solidarity economy in Croatia: anthropological perspective” (SOLIDARan) and Institute for Anthropological Research organized a conference: Practicing solidarity for the future from 14-16 September 2022 in Zagreb, Croatia. On the first conference day, team member Ana Tomičić on behalf of the Digit-HeaL lab, presented a part of the research results entitled Blending the Social and Solidarity Economy with Corporate Social Responsibility? Barriers and Opportunities in Context of Digital Healthcare in Croatia. The conference aims to bring together an international group of scholars from various disciplines...

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