
Oslo Summer School 2021
Members of the Digit-HeaL team, Ana Tomičić and Anamaria Malešević participated in the Summer school of the University of Oslo from June 28 to July 2. The theme of the Summer school was Controversy mapping and computational anthropology: digital methods between the qualitative-quantitative divide. Participants, including members of our team, had the opportunity to get acquainted with this research method, try out helpful tools, and apply what they have learned for their research projects. The workshop, which this year exceptionally took place online, was led by Aalborg University professor Anders Kristian Munk.

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Head of the Digit-HeaL awarded for his contribution to the development of science and teaching
On 11 June 2021, the Catholic University of Croatia celebrated University day and the 15th anniversary of its founding. On that occasion, recognitions and awards were presented to individuals who stood out in the previous year. Based on the proposal of the Vice-Rector for Science, Prof Roberto Antolović, and of the Vice-Rector for Teaching, Associate Professor Roko Mišetić, Assistant Professor Dr Anto Čartolovni was awarded for his contribution to the development of science and teaching at the Catholic University of Croatia. Dr Anto Čartolovni is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University of Croatia, head of the founding project „(New)...

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Dr Čartolovni about artificial intelligence in traffic for ‘Glas Koncila’
Dr Anto Čartolovni, Head of Digital healthcare ethics laboratory (Digit-HeaL) at the Catholic University of Croatia, commented the use of artificial intelligence in traffic for the magazine ‘Glas Koncila’. In the interview, he pointed out that artificial intelligence is not infallible, that it is the fruit of human creativity, and is not immune to erroneous decisions. He mentioned the issue of morality in choosing between a greater and a lesser evil, as well as whether we should leave decision-making to autonomous systems at all. Dr Čartolovni also referred to the ‘robotic taxi’ and their introduction to Zagreb’s roadways.   Full text...

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Digital revolution vs digital pollution – can we have one without the other?
In an English-speaking panel entitled Soil, International Community and Digital Pollution, at the International Scientific Conference Laudato si’ – Towards Climate and Social Justice, Ana Tomičić presented pathways for reflexion in terms of ELSIs of emerging technologies, in particular in the field of health care. In her presentation entitled ” Digital revolution vs digital pollution – can we have one without the other?”, she argued for a path in the scholarship of digital health that transcends the academic dichotomy of technophobia and technophilia – a path towards ecopedagogical technovigilancy, and provided elements of a viable solution to aggregate its...

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