
International conference: Privacy-friendly and trustworthy technology for society
On Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at the Catholic University of Croatia in Zagreb, an international conference entitled Privacy-friendly and trustworthy technology for society will be co-organized by the Digital Health Care Ethics Laboratory (Digit-HeaL) and COST Action 19121 GoodBrother on Privacy-Aware Audio and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living (AAL). The conference aims to advance the knowledge on critical ethical concepts such as privacy, trust, and transparency of (AAL) technologies. The current pandemic has, even more, increased the need to invest in Active and Assisted Living (AAL) technologies. Thanks to their high potential in enabling remote...

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Digit-HeaL at the Lošinj Days of Bioethics
The Lošinj Bioethics Days were held from 15 to 18 May 2022 in Mali Lošinj. Representatives of the Digit-HeaL Laboratory also participated in the jubilee 20th international conference organized by the Croatian Philosophical Society, the Croatian Bioethical Society, and the town of Mali Lošinj. Members of the scientific research team Anamaria Malešević and Anto Čartolovni held a presentation on Algorethical aporia… and beyond? An analysis of empirical evidence and ethical values in the sphere of AI in healthcare in co-authorship with colleague Ana Tomičić. On this occasion, the preliminary results of the qualitative research phase, which was conducted from June to...

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Successfully Convened STS Graz 2022 Conference
The 20th Annual STS Conference Graz 2022 entitled Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies took place with much success in Graz, Austria, May 2-4, 2022. The event is a joint Annual Conference of the Science Technology and Society Unit of the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science of Graz University of Technology, the Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ), and the Institute for Advanced Studies of Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS). One of the panels was organized by the members of the Digital healthcare ethics laboratory (Digit-HeaL) from the Catholic University of Croatia. Ana Tomičić chaired panel...

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Kozmos i etos – Radio guest appearance by Luka Poslon
On Thursday 5th of May, Luka Poslon, a member of our research group, featured on the Croatian Radio and Television program “Kozmos i etos” with host and author Marito Mihovil Letica discussing the human dignity and the end of life. Based on an overview of the existing approach to the problem at the end of life, an approach to the end of human life is presented, which affirms human dignity and is found in palliative care with the aim of respecting the natural course of life and raising the quality of life, eliminating pain and symptoms of illness. Potential problems that occur during the legalization of euthanasia are analyzed. An audio recording of the...

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