Dragi roditelji,
na našoj mrežnoj stranici možete preuzeti „Moj dnevnik korištenja medija“ kojeg su osmislili članovi istraživačke grupe projekta.
Dnevnik medija dio je istraživačkog materijala studije S1 provedene u okviru projekta, koja je za cilj imala ispitati navike, motivaciju i okolnosti korištenja uređaja digitalne tehnologije u djece i roditelja. Dnevnik je prvenstveno namijenjen djeci školske dobi, odnosno djeci starijoj od 7 godina. Djeca samostalno (starija od 9 godina) ili uz pomoć roditelja mogu zapisivati i bilježiti svoje korištenje uređaja u dnevnik. Moguće je koristiti dnevnik medija i s djecom mlađe životne dobi, no onda se od roditelja očekuje da u dnevnik zapisuju dječje aktivnosti na uređajima. Podatci iz dnevnika medija mogu, među ostalim, dati uvid u to u koje vrijeme tijekom dana (npr. prijepodne ili poslijepodne) i koje dane u tjednu (npr. radni dani ili vikend) te koliko vremensko razdoblje djeca koriste različite uređaje. Nadalje, na temelju dnevnika možete dobiti podatke o najčešće korištenim uređajima u djece (npr. tablet, pametni telefon), najčešćim aktivnostima koje djeca rade na uređajima (npr. gledanje serija, igranje igrica) i njihovim razlozima za te aktivnosti (npr. dosada, zabava). Podatci vam mogu pokazati i gdje se djeca najčešće nalaze kad koriste uređaje (npr. soba, dnevni boravak) te jesu li sama ili u društvu drugih osoba. Na temelju dobrih iskustava primjene dnevnika medija u našoj studiji u okviru projekta, odlučili smo ovu verziju dnevnika medija javno podijeliti s djecom i roditeljima. Rezultati pokazuju da smo skloni podcijeniti ili precijeniti neka naša ponašanja u vezi korištenja uređaja. Stoga, naš motiv javne objave dnevnika je dati djeci i roditeljima alat kojim će moći dobiti objektivniji uvid u dnevne i tjedne navike i okolnosti dječjeg korištenja uređaja. U skladu s time, svoj djeci i roditeljima dajemo besplatno na preuzimanje i korištenje ovu verziju našeg dnevnika medija u svrhu privatnog praćenja dječjeg korištenja uređaja.
Ovdje preuzmite „Moj dnevnik korištenja medija“
Dear parents,
on our web page, you can download “My Media Diary” which was designed by members of the research group of the project.
The media diary is part of the research material of the S1 study conducted within the project, which aimed to examine the habits, motivation, and circumstances surrounding the use of digital technology devices by children and parents. “My Media Diary” is a research material, and its primary purpose is to collect data on children’s daily use of digital technology devices (e.g., smartphones, computers, tablets) for a week. In other words, it is possible to get a pattern of children’s daily and weekly use of the devices through the media diary. Accordingly, the diary asks children to record the time of device use, the type of device used, the activities on the device, and the reasons for using the device, the place where the device is used, and the presence of other people during use. The media diary also contains illustrations of robots that can help children express and monitor their daily mood.
The diary is primarily intended for school-age children (children older than 7 years). Children aged 9 and older can write and record their use of the devices in a diary on their own or with the help of their parents. It is possible to use the media diary with younger children as well, but then parents are expected to record the children’s activities on the devices. Data from the media diary can, among other things, provide insight into the time of day (e.g., morning or afternoon), which days of the week (e.g., weekdays or weekends) and for how long children use different devices. Furthermore, based on the diary, one can get information about the most used devices by children (e.g., tablets, smartphones), the most common activities that children do with a device (e.g., watching series, playing games) and the reasons for these activities (e.g., boredom, fun). The data can also show where children are most often when they use devices (e.g., in their rooms or living rooms) and whether they are alone or in the company of others. Based on the positive experiences of applying the media diary in our study within the project, we decided to share this version of the media diary publicly with children and parents. Results show that we tend to underestimate or overestimate some of our behaviors regarding device use. Therefore, our motive for publishing the diary is to give children and parents a tool that will enable them to gain a more objective insight into the daily and weekly habits and circumstances of children’s use of the devices. Accordingly, we give all children and parents free access to download and use this version of our media diary for the purpose of privately monitoring children’s use of the device.
Here you can download the “My Media Diary”