Poštovani roditelji, donosimo vam prikaz jednog dijela rezultata istraživanja kojeg smo provodili od veljače do svibnja 2021. godine.

Djeca koja su sudjelovala u intervjuima ili grupnim razgovorima su tijekom tjedan dana ispunjavala i dnevnik o korištenju digitalnih uređaja – „Moj dnevnik medija‟. Dnevnik je samostalno ili uz pomoć roditelja ispunilo 60 djece, 34 djevojčice i 26 dječaka u dobi od 4 do 15 godina. „Moj dnevnik medija‟ je osmišljen tako da djeca mogu zapisati svoje aktivnosti na digitalnim uređajima svaki dan tijekom jednog tjedna. U dnevnik su mogli zapisati i koje su digitalne uređaje koristili (npr. pametni telefon, računalo), u kojem dijelu dana, što su radili na njima (npr. igra, traženje informacija), zašto su radili određene aktivnosti na uređajima (npr. dosada, zabava), gdje su bili dok su koristili uređaje (npr. dnevni boravak, kuhinja) i tko je bio s njima dok su koristili uređaj (npr. sestra, baka).

Podatci iz dnevnika pokazuju da je dominanata aktivnost djece na uređajima igra i gledanje različitih sadržaja, uglavnom crtanih filmova i filmova, i tijekom radnog tjedna i tijekom vikenda. Detaljniji uvid u rezultate možete pronaći na posteru koji smo izradili.

Zahvaljujemo djeci i roditeljima koji su odvojili svoje vrijeme i sudjelovali u našem istraživanju te popunili „Moj dnevnik medija“. „Moj dnevnik medija“ uskoro ćemo i objaviti te će biti dostupan djeci koja će ga htjeti ispuniti, samostalno ili uz pomoć roditelja te tako pratiti svoje korištenje uređaja. Vjerujemo da će roditeljima ova dječja aktivnost dati dobar i objektivan uvid u različite aspekte dječjeg korištenja uređaja, a što može poslužiti u svrhu lakšeg upravljanja dječjim korištenjem uređaja.

Uskoro ćemo objaviti i druge podatke iz našeg istraživanja prikupljene kroz intervjue i fokus grupe s djecom i roditeljima.


Dear parents, we are bringing you an overview of one part of the results from the research that we conducted from February to May 2021.

Children who participated in interviews or group interviews have also, during one week, filled out a diary on their use of digital devices – “My Media Diary”. The diary was filled in independently by children or with the help of their parents. It was filled in by 60 children, 34 girls and 26 boys aged 4 to 15 years. “My Media Diary” is designed so that children can write down their activities on digital devices every day for one week. They could also write in which digital devices they used (eg smartphone, computer), in which part of the day, what activities they did (eg playing, searching for information), why they did certain activities on the devices (eg boredom, entertainment), where they were while they were using devices (e.g. living room, kitchen), and who was with them while they were using the devices (e.g. sister, grandmother).

Data from the diary shows us that the dominant activity of children on devices is playing and watching various content, mainly cartoons and movies, both during the working week and during the weekend. You can find a more detailed insight into the results on the poster we made.

We are grateful to the children and parents who took their time and participated in our research and filled out “My Media Diary”. “My Media Diary” will be published soon and will be available to children who want to fill it out, independently or with the help of their parents, and thus monitor their own use of the device. We believe that this children’s activity will give parents a good and objective insight into various aspects of children’s use of the device, which can serve the purpose of easier management of children’s use of the device.

We will soon publish other data from our research collected through interviews and focus groups with children and parents.


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