Dio rezultata našeg istraživanja (Studija 1) provedenog tijekom proteklih mjeseci intervjuima i fokus grupama s djecom u dobi od 4 do 14 godina i njihovim roditeljima predstavili smo na međunarodnoj konferenciji. Članice istraživačke grupe Vanesa Varga, Marina Kotrla Topić, Sara Jelovčić i Marina Merkaš pripremile su izlaganje pod nazivom „Children’s Motivation for Digital Media Use“ za konferenciju „The 8th European Conference on Media, Communication & Film“ ili EuroMedia2021, koju organizira „The International Academic Forum“ (IAFOR; https://iafor.org/). Konferencija se održala od 22. do 25. lipnja 2021. godine na daljinu (putem platforme Zoom).
Budući da je upotreba digitalne tehnologije postala dio svakodnevnog života djece, jedno od glavnih i prvih istraživačkih pitanja bilo je zašto i u koje svrhe djeca različite dobi koriste digitalne uređaje (npr. tablet, pametni telefon).
Rezultati koje je Vanesa Varga predstavila odnosili su se na motivaciju djece u dobi od 4 do 14 godina za korištenje uređaja digitalne tehnologije iz perspektive djece i njihovih roditelja. Podaci su dobiveni kroz polustrukturirane istraživačke intervjue s djecom (u dobi od 4 do 6 godina) i njihovim roditeljima te fokus grupe s djecom (u dobi od 7 do 14 godina) i fokus grupe s roditeljima djece školske dobi, a sve na daljinu (putem platforme Zoom). Tematskom analizom odgovora djece i roditelja utvrđene su različite kategorije motiva i različite svrhe za korištenje digitalnih medija i uređaja među djecom predškolske i školske dobi u Hrvatskoj. Važno je da se uz već u literaturi poznate i postojeće motive korištenja digitalnih uređaja, kao što su zabava, komunikacija, odmor i učenje, „strah od propuštanja“ (engl. Fear of Missing Out) javlja kao jedan od novih motiva za korištenje digitalnih uređaja u djece. Pozivamo vas da pogledate našu virtualnu prezentaciju na sljedećoj poveznici:
Part of the results of our research (Study 1) conducted over the past months through interviews and focus groups with children aged 4 to 14 and their parents were presented at an international conference. Members of the research group Vanesa Varga, Marina Kotrla Topić, Sara Jelovčić, and Marina Merkaš prepared a presentation entitled “Children’s Motivation for Digital Media Use” for the conference “The 8th European Conference on Media, Communication & Film” or EuroMedia2021, organized by “The International Academic Forum” (IAFOR; https://iafor.org/). The conference was held from 22 to 25 June 2021 remotely (via the Zoom platform).
As the use of digital technology has become a part of children’s daily lives, one of the main and first research questions was why and for what purpose children of different ages use digital devices (e.g., a tablet, a smartphone).
The results presented by Vanesa Varga related to the motivation of children aged 4 to 14 to use digital technology devices from the perspective of children and their parents. Data were obtained through semi-structured research interviews with children (aged 4 to 6) and their parents and focus groups with children (aged 7 to 14) and focus groups with parents of school-age children, all remotely (via platform Zoom). The thematic analysis of the responses of children and parents identified different categories of motives and different purposes for the use of digital media and devices among preschool and school age children in Croatia. It is important that in addition to the already known and existing motives for using digital devices, such as entertainment, communication, rest, and learning, “Fear of Missing Out” appears as one of the new motives for using digital devices in children. We invite you to view our virtual presentation at the following link:
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