Odgovaraju li roditelji manje na potrebe djeteta kad koriste mobilni telefon?
Recentnim istraživanjem Vandena i suradnici (2020) pokazali su da roditelji kada koriste svoj telefon za aktivnosti koje zahtijevaju dublju uključenost rjeđe, sporije i s manje pažnje i nježnosti odgovaraju na potrebe i zahtjeve djeteta za pažnjom u odnosu na situaciju kada ne koriste telefon. Do rezultata su došli na temelju opažanja 53 para roditelj-dijete (0 do 5 godina) u čekaonicama i na dječjim igralištima. Roditeljsko odgovaranje na djetetove pokušaje da privuče pažnju važno je jer tijekom ranog djetinjstva, među ostalim, omogućuje razvoj privrženosti i djetetove samoregulacije emocija i ponašanja.
Vanden Abeele, M.M.P., Abels, M. i Hendrickson. A. T. (2020). Are Parents Less Responsive to Young Children When They Are on Their Phones? A Systematic Naturalistic Observation Study. Cyberpsychology Behavior, and Social Networking. 23/6. 363-370. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2019.0472
Do parents respond less to a child’s needs when using a cell phone?
A recent study by Vanden et al. (2020) showed that when parents use their phones for activities that require deeper involvement, they respond less often, more slowly, and with less attention and tenderness to the child’s needs and demands for attention than when they do not use the phone. The results were obtained based on observations of 53 parent-child pairs (0 to 5 years) in waiting rooms and playgrounds. Parental response to a child’s attempts to attract attention is important because during early childhood, among other things, it allows for the development of attachment and the child’s self-regulation of emotions and behaviors.
Vanden Abeele, M.M.P., Abels, M., and Hendrickson. A. T. (2020). Are Parents Less Responsive to Young Children When They Are on Their Phones? A Systematic Naturalistic Observation Study. Cyberpsychology Behavior, and Social Networking. 23/6. 363-370. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2019.0472