U literaturi se prekidi u komunikaciji zbog korištenja tehnologije nazivaju ometanje tehnologijom ili tehnoferencija (eng. technoference) (McDaniel i Coyne, 2016a; 2016b).
Doživljavaju li roditelji ometanje digitalnom tehnologijom tijekom vremena koje provode s djecom? Rezultati našeg online istraživanja „Izazovi korištenja digitalne tehnologije u obitelji tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19“ pokazuju koliki postotak roditelja se osjećao ometano uređajima digitalne tehnologije dok je sa svojom djecom. Rezultati su prikazani na plakatu.
McDaniel, B. T. i Coyne, S. M. (2016a). “Technoference”: The interference of technology in couple relationships and implications for women’s personal and relational well being. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 5(1), 1- 36.
McDaniel, B. T. i Coyne, S. M. (2016b). Technology interference in the parenting of young children: Implications for mothers’ perceptions of coparenting. The Social Science Journal, 53(4), 435-443.
In the literature, interruptions in communication due to use of technology devices is refered to as technology interference or technoference (McDaniel and Coyne, 2016a; 2016b).
Do parents experience technoference during the time they spend with their children? The results of our online research “Challenges of digital technology use in the family” during the COVID-19 pandemic show percent of parents that feel interrupted by use of digital technology devices while they are in interaction with their children. The results are shown on a poster bellow.
McDaniel, B. T. and Coyne, S. M. (2016a). “Technoference”: the mixing of technology in the relationship between couples and the implications for a woman’s personal and relational well-being. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 5 (1), 1- 36.
McDaniel, B. T. and Coyne, S. M. (2016b). Technological Interference in Parenting Young Children: Consequences of Maternal Perception of Compassion. Journal of Social Science, 53 (4), 435-443.